Thursday 28 February 2019

Reception - learning and class assembly

What a very busy week of learning we have had!

Mr. Spracklen came in on Monday morning stating that he would like to buy our house! So, we set to work making it ready to, toilet, bath, sofa, TV, wall paper, curtains, clocks, books were among some of the things that the children worked on together to furnish the house. Today, an estate agent Martin from Meyers came in to value the property and to sell it, with the help of Rufus and Amber. It was valued at £250,000! Mr. Spracklen was overwhelmed and couldn't resist buying it.............SOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Martin also kindly left each child some stationary from Meyers - it was so valuable having them come in and contextualise the learning. Edie decided that you need to work harder to get the money to buy a house, Grace and Henry C decided that you can borrow the money from a bank! Learning about the value of money and life skills already!!!!!!!!!!

Next week we move on to a new topic!

We have also been busy rehearsing for our Reception Assembly tomorrow - as stated in the Spring Term Newsletter. Please come along for 9:20 tomorrow morning and take a seat in the school hall.

There will be no story time tomorrow afternoon as we will be having our awards assembly. They will start again on Monday 3pm, do come and join us!

Forest schools is back, so for the next two weeks it will be the turn of Piglet group, Tigger group and Eeyore group.

A huge thank you to everyone who was able to come and help with the community make over days, our outside area is very nearly there!!!!!!!! Grass seed will be laid soon, so please can we ask that before and after school the children don't go on the mud! Thank you!

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs. J and the Fantabulous Reception Team.

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