Saturday 9 February 2019

Reception Royalty for the day!

The Grand Ball was a roaring success!!!!!!!!

The Princes, Princesses, Kings and Queens were announced into the ball room where a glorious banquet awaited them................"cheers!" was heard many a time as the royal guests toasted each other with their champagne flutes of squash. They dined on the finest handmade biscuits in all the land following sumptuous ruby red slipper and tiara sandwiches. Music filled the air as the guests swept around the dance floor casting their finest dance moves! We were joined by The fairy Godmother herself who kindly granted each guest a wish! The finale of the occasion was entertainment provided a wonderful cast of actors and actresses!

I hope you will all agree that yesterday was a magical way to, not only conclude a topic, but also to bring it to life! It has been a half term filled with rich learning opportunities and fun. Thank you to ALL of you who were able to join us yesterday.

Home learning: bake a cake or cakes fit for a Prince or Princess! Use your maths learning to think about how to share it/them fairly, weighing, measuring, counting and using words like more, less, fewer etc. You do not need to bring them/it in to school but if you want to send a photo in or write about it in your red book, that would be wonderful too! Have fun! Yum! Yum!

Request x 3: it is not too late to bring in your jelly fish if you have not already made one, any more natural/tactile objects for our maths area would be greatly received (shells, buttons, ribbons, keys, curtain rings...........) and lastly any plastic containers saved from your recycling would be super (on Monday if possible please). Thank you.

Remember, next week is Science week - come in on Thursday afternoon from 2:45 to enjoy our science fair and do make and bring in an experiment or invention to share. Monday morning = whole school surprise, come to the front of the school a little earlier than usual drop off to join in the fun!

                                             Mrs. J and the "Roarsome" Reception Team

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