Monday 11 February 2019

Day one of Science/Eco week in Reception and we are already super learning machines and scientists/eco warriors!

Splish! Splosh! Splash! What a wet start to the day..................but we were trying to save the ocean!!!!!!

Reception dived straight into the launch of science and eco week - they are definitely passionate about the current state of our oceans and the plastic pollution!!!!!! We used the story of the Rainbow Fish to continue the sea theme for the week......................some of the children taught us about the three levels of the ocean and the Mariana Trench as a result of our fishy discussion about the effect of the light on the sea!!!!!!!!

The children created collage posters to warn people of the dangers of plastic in the sea, we had sea themed poetry, mark making in the sand, we have a deep sea writing cave where the children cut out and decorated fish with reflective materials - they used torches to explore the effect of the light on them in the deep ocean, children were drawing and painting fish and sea creatures exploring drawing skills, focus, painting techniques and colour, the water tray became our science experiment where we learnt about surface tension by making and testing swimming paper fish! Why not have a go at bath time............ask them to show you!!!!!! (you just need a paper fish with a tale that has a "v" cut into it, and a small blob of washing up liquid placed on the "v" - lower it into the water and watch it swim!!!!!) There were fish themed information and story books to read as well as sparkly playdough to create rainbow fish.

The children absolutely love exploring science - we discussed that to be a good scientist you need to be VERY good at looking and listening. Last week we explored static electricity, over the course of this week we will be learning about the water cycle, forces, aerodynamics and chemical reactions!!!!!!! And that's just in class................then we have Mr. G coming in to teach us more!!!!!!

Don't forget the Science Fair in the school hall from 2:45 on Thursday - bring along an experiment or invention to share with everyone, or simply come and enjoy!

Mrs. J and the Reception Eco-Champions!

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