Sunday 26 February 2023

World Book Day


Hello Reception Families

Just a reminder that it is World Book Day on Thursday 2nd March.

- Children to dress up as their favourite character from a book or as an author

- A book swap will be taking place where children are being asked to bring in an old book that they

don’t mind swapping. Children will place their old book in the hall at the start of the day and get

another at the end of the day

- During the week commencing 27th February 2023, the library will be opening at 15:10 everyday

where class teachers will be leading a story time. Families will be welcomed to join this and then

choose a library book for children to take home after. The days are listed below;

Monday - Year 4

Tuesday - Year 2

Wednesday - Reception

Thursday - Year 1

Friday - Year 3

We are really looking forward to Thursday

Many thanks

The Reception Team

Friday 24 February 2023

Jungles, wild things and fantastic play

 Hi Reception Families,

We have had a wonderful start to the new half term, I have been blown away by the wonderful energy, talk and the most amazing play ever! It is always such a privilege to see the children taking their new knowledge and skills into their play. 

In Drawing Club this week we read Where the Wild Things are, the children made excellent wild things, ask them to show you their roars, gnash their teeth and claws!

This half term we are learning about Amazing Animals, we started our learning by exploring Jungle Animals, we have learnt about the different animals who live in the jungle and what jungles are like.

The children have spent a lot of time building animal enclosures and dens!

I have been impressed with everyone's writing this week, we have introduced finger spaces and full stops this week and the children are beginning to use these in their writing, they have also been extremely helpful when I 'forget' to use them.  

We have also been practicing our fine motor skills, remember to look through your Spring 2 knowledge organiser for simple activities you can do at home to help support this vital area of development.

In Make and Create we've been making animal faces, these have not come home yet as we have put them up in the classroom.

We had a wonderful time with Coach Luca this afternoon we also had our first Charanga music lesson with a hefty dose of the Wellerman too!

We had a wonderful time on Thursday being Jungle animals in the hall

Moving our attention to next week:

Drawing Club: Banana Man
Maths: Number sentences using + =
Understanding the World: We're Going on Safari

Children have started in their new Read Write Inc groups, most children will be bringing home either a sheet, a book or both, please spend some time supporting the children with these tasks, I have noticed a number of children mispronouncing some of the sounds this video below we help reinforce the correct pronunciation.

Children should have brought home a learning sheet with them, if they would like to return it we will happily hang it up on the castle!

It has truly been a wonderful week!

If there is anything we can do to help do not hesitate to get in touch.

Ms Evans and the Reception Team.

Saturday 4 February 2023

Fairies and Dinosaurs

 Hi Reception Families,

It's been another epic week in Reception. This week we've have been firmly rooted in 'make believe' and it's been wonderful!

We have been learning about fairies, we've thought about the different types of fairies there could be, and every child made a fairy garden to bring home. We also had a wonderful making magic potions.

This week in Expressive Art and Design we have been studying flowers, drawing what we see then mixing our own colours and painting our designs. I was very impressed as the children shared their knowledge of colour with each other, it has been lovely to witness such collaborative learning.

We are continuing to develop our drawing skills, it is wonderful to see how confident the children are becoming.

With the weather being better we have had a wonderful time playing outside, we've had a trip to the library as well.

Now all week there has been much excitement about the arrival of the mystery eggs, on Monday we made some 'eggcellent' observations and predictions about what may be inside the egg, on Tuesday we began our watch of the egg in the classroom, there were even some reports of it moving!
On Wednesday the egg went missing, children theorised that the egg had been taken by Tree Elves!
On Thursday we had a wonderful day with Jam the T-Rex, we really enjoyed digging for fossils. On Friday we met our tiny baby dinosaur, we made more predictions on what will happen next! So watch this space!

In Drawing Club we read Never give a T-Rex a book our words for Get up Stand up were:

Intelligent, Thrilled, Sanctuary, Stomp and Massive.

In Maths we were focusing on number bonds to 10

We also had some great matches in Basketball with Coach Luca.

Moving our attention to next week.

Drawing Club: The Mitten (Ukraine folktale) 
Power Maths: Number bonds to 10 
Understanding the World: Jack and the Beanstalk.

Please remember that we break up for half term on Thursday.
Children will be assessed for Read Write Inc next week and we will inform you of any group changes the first week back after half term.

I am sorry that home learning did not come home on Friday we will give it out Monday and children can return it after half term. 

As ever if there is anything you would like to discuss please do get in touch.

Ms. Evans and the Reception Team.