Friday 29 September 2023

Another Busy Week in Reception

Hi Reception Families,

It's been another busy week here in Reception. 

This week in DT we have been exploring all about fruits, vegetables and in particular pumpkins, this is part of a two week focus on making Pumpkin Soup. Next week we will complete our learning by making pumpkin soup.

We had a wonderful time in Drawing Club this week exploring Room on the Broom, I wonder if the children can remember the sign for Dragon and Witch? We made a potion today to project the Witch from the Dragon. We practised our counting to five too!

We had a fabulous time with Coach Luca this afternoon practicing our ball skills. 

This week in RWI we learnt the sounds: u, b,f,e,l a video of the correct pronunciation can be found here:

Turning Our Attention to Next Week:

Drawing Club: A Squash and a Squeeze.

Understanding the World: Farming and Harvest

DT: Making pumpkin Soup. 

On Thursday 5th October we will be visiting Maiden Castle Farm as part of our learning about farming and harvest and we will meet Farmer Hazel.

As this is some children's first visit to the farm, we would request that you bring them to the farm instead of to school on Thursday Morning 

We will be at the farm from 8:45, but the trip won't commence until after 9:00 to enable parents who need to drop a sibling at school first.  We will then walk back to school after our visit.  A letter with full details on how to access Maiden Castle Farm will be sent out on Monday. If it is not possible to bring your child to the farm on Thursday morning please let us know by Tuesday morning.  Children will need appropriate footwear such as walking boots or wellies and a suitable coat. 

We will arrange transport to take children's school bags back to school. Please see the letter on Monday for full details of the trip.

On Friday morning we have our  POW Family Harvest, the children have been practising a special song to perform to you! Please see details below.

Please do get in touch if there is anything we can help with.

Ms Evans and the Reception Team.

Sunday 24 September 2023

The Jolly Postman and Teddy's birthday

 Hi Reception Families,

What a busy week we had!

This week in Understanding the World we have begun our focus on People Who Help us. We've been learning all about the Jolly Postman. We wrote postcards to our Year Four Buddies, and made a house for the Jolly Postman to live in as part of our Play Project.

In maths this week we've been practising our counting to five, we introduced five frames to help us count accurately.  It was Teddy's 5th Birthday, we had to help him fill his party bags with five things, and the challenge was to only put five things in the bag so Teddy had room for his birthday cake!

In Expressive Art and Design we started to explore mixing primary colours to make secondary colours and decorated a birthday cake for Ted.

We have continued to focus on supporting children into school life at The Prince of Wales. This transition period is an important time to support children in learning how to access the learning areas and follow key routines.

In Drawing Club we used Wacky Races to draw some excellent petrol stations, vehicles and driving teams.

Turning our attention to next week:

The Baseline Assessments are continuing.

Understanding the World: People who help us.

Drawing Club: Room on the Broom. 

DT: Creating Pumpkin Soup.

PE: Please can children come to school dressed for PE on Fridays.

Reading Records: Reading Records should be brought into school on Fridays. At this stage in Reception, please write down a few books you have shared with your child during the week. As time goes on children will bring home a reading book related to their RWI learning. 

If there is anything you would like to discuss please email me or catch me on the door.

Ms Evans and the Reception Team.

Saturday 16 September 2023

Us from 'before' and people who are special to us.

 Hi Reception Families,

What a busy week we have had in Reception, the children are growing in confidence and we are settling into our routines and our daily life at school. Children were fantastic at having their photos taking today and further information will be shared in due course.

This week in maths we've been focussing on counting to four, we had a lovely nature hunt on Monday.

We've continued to practice our writing and fine motor skills this week and had a wonderful time learning our story Billy Goats Gruff, I wonder if the children can remember the signs Troll and Goat?

We also made people to represent those who are special to us such as our mum, dad, grandparent or siblings.

We've also  had lots of time to play and get used to our new surroundings and spend time building important and key relationships with our peers.

This week we introduced our whole school focus of 'Choose Kindness' which supports our Therapeutic Thinking Dorset approach. Over the coming weeks there will be a focus of embedding key aspects such as choosing 'kind hands and kind words'  and what we can do to be kind across Reception. If you would like to learn more about Therapeutic Thinking, there will be a parent workshop next week, details below. 

Turning our attention to next week:

Maths: Counting to five

Drawing Club: Wacky Races.

Understanding the World: The Jolly Postman and people who help us (two week focus)

Read Write Inc: p,g,o,c,k  You may find it helpful to watch this video about the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Thank you for all the wonderful photos of the children as babies or toddlers, it is always such a wonderful time when we look through them, if you haven't sent one in yet and would like to, we will be looking at them on Monday for the final time. 

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if there is anything you would like to discuss or any support we can offer.

Ms Evans, Mrs Rogers, Mrs Hibberd and Miss Street.