Friday 8 September 2023

A Wonderful first week in Reception

 Hi Reception Families,

What a wonderful first week we have had. The team and I have been very impressed by how well the all the children have settled into life at The Prince of Wales.

They have coped admirably in the heat which hasn't been kind on their energy levels. 

We have introduced Drawing Club a focus on Six Dinner Sid. I wonder if the children can remember any of our words from Get up Stand Up? (Friendly, Exhausted, Ravenous, Suspicious and their favourite Disgusting!) The children really enjoy this English focussed activity and have drawn fantastic drawings and had a go at writing letters, words or their names for their magic password!

Children have also enjoyed our Read Write Inc lessons, we have been focussing on the sounds m, a, s,d.

Our favourite part of the day has been our 'Dough Disco' where we develop our fine motor skills which will help us as we develop our writing skills. It's safe to say the children are aware of my love for the Spice Girls which we use for our Disco!

Children have eaten lunch in the hall all week which is a huge achievement, please ensure that you choose a lunch you know your children will like as we cannot offer an alternative. We are keeping a close eye on how much food children are eating and will feedback if we feel they need additional food from home, if they are consistently not keen on school lunches!

We made funny faces in Expressive Art and Design this week, which are fantastic, they will be coming home next week!

We enjoyed PE with Coach Luca this afternoon.

We've also played lots and lots!

Turning  our attention to next week:

We have our first Parent Information Session on Wednesday at 9:00 in the hall, this is a fantastic opportunity to find out more details about of daily life in Reception and our learning focuses for the Autumn Term. 

As part of our learning in Understanding the World, we will be reflecting on how we have changed over time, if children would like to share a photo from when they were a baby or toddler we would LOVE to see them. Please bring them with you to school or email them to me directly

Drawing Club: Billy Goats Gruff

Maths: Counting to 4

Understanding the World: Me before and me now.

Read Write Inc: t,i,n,p,g

PE will be on Friday please come to school dressed in your PE kit.

Please remember a sun hat and apply sunscreen before school. Boots sell fantastic 8 hour creams!

Children were understandably very tired this week which was made more difficult by the heat, we are building in quiet/ rest time throughout the day. We will continue to build the curriculum and activities at a pace to suit the children over the coming weeks.

A note about the beginning and  end of the day.

As you will be aware we are helping the children get used to leaving school safely, this means that I will be letting children go, once we have identified where their adult is, if children rush past I will be recalling them as they need to learn to wait so we can ensure that everyone leaves at the end of the day with their grown up. I appreciate that children are excited to see you but this is an important safety lesson children need to adapt to. 

If you have siblings in other parts of the school a member of the team will wait with children until you arrive. Please come onto our playground as we will not be allowing children out of the gate.

We have a had a few tears at the beginning of the day, this is to be expected at this stage, please try to remain outside of the classroom and a member of the team will help them settle in. I promise you all the children settle within a matter of minutes and enjoy our linked provision activities. 

Everything will get quicker and easier once we've done it for a few weeks.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and we will start all over again on Monday.

If there is anything we can help with please do get in touch.

Ms Evans, Mrs Rogers, Miss Street and Mrs Hibbered.  


  1. Wow what a week!
    Thank you so much for the feedback!
    Tommy & Lilly have had the most amazing week!
    And each day have woken up excited to go to school!
    Also they have surprisingly settled into a good night routine and excited to go to sleep as look forward to school the next day.
    So thank you for being so amazing!

    So glad you mentioned spice girls, as that was the song I thought Lilly was trying to sing and explain to me 🤦🏽‍♀️😂


  2. Emily had a lovely week thank you and the team so much for making her first week at school so amazing! Me and Emily love the spice girls she was over the moon she was allowed to dance at school!
