Saturday 7 September 2024

(A1 W1) Hello Reception Families!

Hello Reception Families!

In Reception this week we have had a fantastic start to the year! Despite only being in school for a couple of days, all the children have settled well and we are chuffed to see many new friendships, smiley faces and excitement for school! I just wanted to make a small update to share some of the lovely activities we have done so far and just a few reminders for what is to come.

Firstly I wanted to share just a few photos of children sharing their ‘back to school’ bags! This has been a wonderful opportunity for us to get to know your children and let them share a part of home with all of their friends and staff (We still have many bags left to go and will continue sharing our bags into Week 2).

Despite the weather we have still made the most of it! As stated in the previous blog, the outside area will be available for children in all weathers! - I do recommend children always have a spare set of clothes CLEARLY LABELLED as well as a pair of wellies in school at this time of the year!

All the children met the lovely Coach Luca! Who takes the children for PE on Fridays - Please remember to wear a PE kit to school on Fridays.

Yr4 came to visit and supported Reception in their first assembly! 

And finally we have had lots of fun making new friends, exploring the new environment and being creative!

Just a reminder that all parents are invited to our first Reception Parent Information Session on Wednesday at 9am and I look forward to seeing many of you then!

Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!

Miss Godden, Mrs Rogers, Mr Long and Mrs Smith.

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