Sunday 9 June 2024

Rekenreks, Penguins and fantastic science experiments

 Hi Reception Families,

What a busy first week back we've had. This week we have been learning all about penguins. I wonder if the children can tell you a penguin fact? This has been linked to our new text in English 'And Tango Makes Three.' This story will continue to be our focus for the next two weeks.

In Maths we introduced Rekenreks, I was really impressed with how quickly the children grasped the concept of using them. We will continue to practise with Rekenreks in readiness for using them in Year One.

In Understanding the Natural World we were learning all about the different types of animal homes, and in DT we started our Textile focus.

In SCARF our focus was on the seasons.

We had a brilliant trip to Thomas Hardye School on Friday morning and we conducted some brilliant science experiments.

Moving our attention to next week:

On Monday we have our Daubing session for the roundhouse, please ensure children have clothes that they can get messy and dirty in with them and something clean to change into.

On Thursday the class will have it's first Transition session with Miss White in Year One. 

Maths: Comparison

Understanding the World: Whales and Shadows

English And Tango Makes Three.

SCARF: Life stages, plants, animals humans.

Please do get in touch if there is anything we can do to help.

Ms Evans and the Reception Team.

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