Sunday 23 June 2024

Important info for the week ahead

 Hi Reception Families,

Firstly we've had such a lovely week! With the weather being so good, we've spent lots of time playing outside.

This week we have been learning about fish, all the different types and where you can find them. We've loved reading fishy tales such as Rainbow Fish, Tiddler, and Commotion in the Ocean. The children even learnt a poem about a lobster!

Next week is a busy one!

We have  school photos on Tuesday please send children dressed in PE kit and school uniform with them and we will help them to change.

On Wednesday there is the whole school science fair, we are looking forward to seeing all the work children across the school have made at home. 3:00 in the hall.

Thursdays is our trip to Sealife, children can wear their own bottoms, but please ensure they have a shirt or jumper/ school uniform. Children will also need a named drinks bottle and hat. Please judge the weather nearer the time and ensure children as dressed appropriately.

This week:

UTW: Coast and Beaches

Maths: Numbers within 10

SCARF: Where do babies come from

Please get in touch if there is anything you would like to discuss anything

Ms Evans and the Reception Team.

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