Monday 6 June 2022

Welcome back Reception

 Hello Reception families

We are so excited to see you tomorrow and find out what you did in the holidays. Did you manage to make, draw or write about a mythical beast over the holidays? We are looking forward to seeing and hearing about your creations. The staff in Reception are sure they have seen some unidentified flying objects over the Prince of Wales in the holidays so keep your eyes peeled!

Change to PE day

Please note that PE will now be on a Friday afternoon. The children should bring back their named PE kit and put it in their locker.


We have an abundance of wellies at school so only bring back your own wellies if you really want to! Please make sure they are named.

Hot weather

Now the weather is really warming up it is important that your child has sunscreen on. If possible, please use suncream that lasts all day. Otherwise, provide your child with a labeled bottle of sunscreen that can be applied during the day. The children often spend lots of time outside so it is important that they are protected from the sun. Please also provide your child with a named sun hat that can be kept at school.


Our topic continues on the theme of beasts, focusing on mythical and Jurassic for the rest of this half term. We hope to be able to get out and about on some visits and we have some exciting things planned.

We can't wait to get started!

Mrs March and the Reception Team.


  1. Leahs made a mythical creature and is so excited to share it with you all

  2. Brilliant! We can't wait to see it.
