Friday 27 May 2022

Reception: Half-Term optional home learning

Optional #InspiredToLearn Half-Term Home Learning:  Mythical Creatures

Our learning power for the rest of the Summer Term is ‘Renee the Reciprocal Bee’.

Over half term look out for ‘WOW!’ moments that include Renee’s learning power. Write them on a ‘WOW’ and send them into school to be shared.

Other suggested activities -

Continue to share a story everyday. You can practice your Book Bag Book or enjoy listening to your library book being read to you. Our Early Learning Goal focuses on comprehension:

Children at the expected level of development will: - Demonstrate understanding of what has been read to them by retelling stories and narratives using their own words and recently introduced vocabulary; - Anticipate – where appropriate – key events in stories; - Use and understand recently introduced vocabulary during discussions about stories, non-fiction, rhymes and poems and during role-play.

Listening to stories being read to you, and adults asking you questions about the story is a great way to achieve this goal. You could always act it out together too! Do send a wow moment in, if you have been practising this at home.

Our maths learning after half term will be odd and even numbers, shape, capacity, time and numbers to 20.

And finally…


A mythical creature has been seen near the Prince of Wales School! We are not quite sure what it is and need your help to investigate what it could be!

Can you draw, paint, create/make a mythical creature of your own at home.

If you are feeling particularly clever you could label it or even go so far as to write a fact file about it.

What does it look like?

Like to eat?

Where does it live?

How old is it?

How tall or small is it?

The possibilities are endless!!

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