Sunday 15 May 2022

Hello Reception families

 Hello Reception families,

We hope you have had a lovely weekend enjoying the sun and the rain! We are very excited about the spring clean the classroom has had and look forward to sharing it with everyone tomorrow.

This week we will be learning about doubling numbers and numerical patterns. We will be checking that the children can recognise numerals to 10 and if they can recognise an amount without counting every object.

In our Read Write Inc lessons the children are continuing to learn digraphs and they will have the opportunity to read and write them in their learning time.

We are also busy learning about minibeasts. There will be lots of opportunities to learn, make, read and investigate them during the week. We will be painting butterflies and ladybirds to add double spots to, as well as creating our own minibeasts using a range of materials. 

There will, of course, be lots of time for the children to follow their own interests too.

We are already excited to share some of their learning with you later on in the week.

Home Learning

Don't forget to decorate your bunting and return to school on Wednesday. If you need another sheet please ask.


As the weather is getting warmer please remember to apply sun cream to your child and pack a sun hat for them.

Please can toys be left at home unless absolutely necessary. We have lots of lovely teddies and toys for the children to use at school and wouldn't want anything to happen to their special toys in school. 

Remember that on PE days children will still arrive in school uniform and change into their PE kit at school. The same for Forest school on Wednesday where they will only need a change of bottoms and wellies/sturdy shoes. Please provide these in a named bag/rucksack to be left in their lockers. 
If possible, please ensure snack boxes fit in their school trays, a box that is not too tall.

We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow and to another exciting week of learning.

The Reception Team

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