Tuesday 17 March 2020

Reception learning Tuesday 17th March - what are we learning this week? Join in at home!

Good evening to you all,

I would just like to take this opportunity to say, yet again, what an absolutely amazing class we have! The children are showing such resilience, maturity and positivity at this very confusing and worrying time for them all. Mrs. Smith and I have been super proud and impressed by the dedication to their learning shown by our classmates that are currently at home...........Jack's singing was heartwarming! I have seen exceptional examples, via email and the virtual school, of Power Maths and RWInc too.

Our home learning, last week, inspired several artisits to paint using watercolours in the style of Claude Monet - George even painted his Grandma's garden while sat looking out of the window! Alek chose to cut out and sew a gingerbread man puppet and retell the story! We were also astounded to hear that Ruby cooked "an Italian dinner of Italian meatballs!" Mia went a step further and cooked a 3 course meal for her mum and dad.........bruschetta, carbonara and tiramisu!!!!!!!!!!!

So, we jumped on a bus, train or car to travel to London during our first week of this topic, then we sailed, flew or took the Eurotunnel to France, Spain and Italy.............yesterday we borded flights bound for Africa! We flew over African Deserts, Pyramids, Mountains, Jungles and the Savannah and travelled to a village to meet Handa and her friend Akeyo as well as Fatou who went to fetch some water................

Handa's Surprise

Fatou Fetch the Water

If you are at home, we don't want you to miss out on our exciting learning journey, so why not choose some things from our "learning buffet" below to inspire your learning...........

Inspired continuous provision: can you make an animal you may find in the Savannah from 2d shapes and name them? Draw an elephant or a giraffe and measure their trunk or long neck using a ruler. Can you make a container out of junk modelling that could carry water - test it out in the bath!? (The key is to design and make one) Use duplo or lego to design and make a house for an elephant, a giraffe, a snake........think about the shape of your houses? Use beads to design and thread an African inspired tribal necklace. Explore weighing items in your home - compare the weights! Create a fruit basket - can you label the fruit? Find some pictures of African animals and write a caption to describe them.
Paint a lion, giraffe or elephant. Can you create an African drumming rhythm?

Djembe drumming

African music for children  Listen - what instruments can you hear? Do you like it? Does it make you want to dance? Or paint/draw a picture?

African lullaby     Karaoke version     Can you try to learn it?

You could explore tie dying some fabric at home and creating a bright item of clothing inspired by cloths and fabrics found in Africa, especially if you have been inspired to sew! Have a look at some pictures of African countries - what is it like there? What is the weather like? What things are the same and what things are different to how you live? Would you like to go there?

Power maths: can you name 2d shapes? How many sides or edges do they have? Are they straight or curved? How many corners do they have? Are all the sides the same length? Can you find examples around your house? What 3d shapes do you know? Look at a 3d shape - what shape faces do they have?

Towards the end of the week and into next week we will be using Cbeebies Tinga Tales to inspire our learning further.

There will be NO forest school this week.

Biiiiiiiiiiggggg elephant hugs from Mrs. Smith and Mrs. J 

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