Friday 13 March 2020

Reception Friday 13th March 2020

What a beautiful morning................let's hope for an equally gorgeous weekend!!!!!

The children have been completely captivated by the stories of Pinocchio and The Gingerbread man, this week. The stories have inspired learning in all sorts of different ways from making puppets, sewing, story writing, letter writing, poster making, making masks with veeeeeeerrrrrrrryyyyyy long noses which have then been measured...............We have also been painting pictures using water colours, inspired by Monet. We even compared a French version of The Gingerbread man, entitled "Stinky Cheese Man", what elements of the story were the same and what parts were different?

We had a visitor yesterday from the Fire Service who delivered an excellent, age appropriate, workshop about fire safety. Forest School was also a great success, Mrs. Thorpe showed the children a hedgehog house and they then made hedgehogs out of clay and other natural materials.

Lucia's mum came in and taught us a Spanish lesson. We learned vocabulary for ingredients to make a paella.

This morning we carried out a visual experiment to show the effect of soap on germs when we wash our hands.........pour water onto a plate and thoroughly sprinkle it with black pepper, to represent the germs that we can't see. You put your finger in the middle of the peppery water and nothing happens apart from some germs (pepper) stick to your finger. Then dip your finger in a generous dollop of liquid soap and place it back in the peppery the power of the soap in front of your very own eyes!!!!!!!!

Home Learning:

Power Maths this week has been further exploration of 3d shape, using vocabulary such as slide, roll, stack, edges, curves, flat, faces, cube, cuboid, sphere, pyramid, cone, cylinder (some children even knew what prisms were!!!!). We have been testing which 3d shapes do these things and discovering why!? You could continue this learning with items that you find in and around the home.

RWInc - as well as reading and sharing your book DAILY, practise the speed sounds, speedy green words and red words in your books.

Can you make a puppet from junk modelling or by sewing? Can you tell the story of Pinocchio or The Gingerbread Man. Write a letter to Pinocchio telling him why it is not good to tell lies. Create a poster telling people to run and keep fit - from The Gingerbread man! Paint a picture of a garden/tree/flower using watercolour just like Monet.

Happy Friday!

Mrs. J, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Burgess, Mrs Briant and Mrs, Cleaver.

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