Friday 27 March 2020

Reception Friday 27th March 2020

It's Friiiiiiiiiiiiday!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you have enjoyed learning about Africa this week? We have a new part of the world to learn about next week!

Yet another, gorgeous day - make time to get outside!

Ideas to supplement the Reception Learning Buffet today:

1. Use a clothes horse to create a den - inside or outside.
2. Have a picninc tea party with your toys.
3.Write a letter to someone in your family and post it.
4. Make a model of a person that you miss and cannot see at the moment - send them a picture!
5. Can you make a mud kitchen in your garden - make a magic potion.

 simple mud kitchen - can you find a corner of your garden they could use? It is so valuable and the children will spend hours playing in it. 

6. Do some baking.

This weekend - watch a movie as a family, play a game together, start reading a family novel all snuggled up in bed together (we read the Twits in class), all help to cook a meal together, play hide and seek.

Enjoy your day, please do call the school or email me if you need to talk to someone - remember we are here for you! Adult happiness is JUST AS IMPORTANT as your child's happiness!

All our love,

Mrs. Smith and Mrs. J

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