Thursday 30 January 2020

Reception Learning and Home Learning!

Good morning to you all!

The children have thoroughly enjoyed taking their learning about the sea further this week. I was astounded by their writing when I came in. This week they have been focusing on descriptive language by writing poems about what they could hear in a conch shell! Cbeebies Old Jack's Boat Rockpool series - Old Jack's Boat series this week was the inspiration for our learning, we have been discussing rock pools and making them outside as well as talking about local beaches such as Chesil Beach and links to pirates! Reception have had great fun designing and constructing pirate ships and planks to walk! We learned some pirate language: pieces of eight = Spanish coins, scuttle = to sink a ship, shark bait = walk the plank, run a rig = play a trick.

In Power Maths, this week, we are working on Unit 8 - week 4 - comparing numbers upto 10. The focus language that you can reinforce at home is: fewer, more, less than and more than. The children have been amazing us with what very independent learners they are becoming!

We are very excited about our Story Teller visit next week and this will be our Sea themed literacy focus next week, not only with writing and reading but developing our oracy skills further!

Parent consultation evenings are next week - Tuesday and Wednesday 3:50pm - 6:30pm, please pop in and sign up for a slot. Mrs. Smith and I will both be leading the evenings and we are very much looking forward to meeting you all again and having the opportunity to share with you how fantastically well your children are doing and the progress they are making!

Home Learning this week:

  • Power maths booklets - Unit 8 week 4
  • RWInc reading
  • Feel free to take letter formation sheets as and when
  • Weather permitting and if you have time, why not visit a beach for a windy adventure..........can you find any rock pools? What did you find in them? Can you make up a story about a rock pool? Go crabbing or take a fishing net to the rock pools. Can you describe what the sea is like on your visit using exciting vocabulary - use your senses - what do the waves look like? sound like? feel like? Could you paint a picture of the sea? Maybe you could make a rock pool at home - use a baking tray, the sink, the bath or junk modelling! How can you add some counting in to your adventure?
  • Tongue Twister   Can you learn this tongue twister and tell it to the class?

Have a super weekend!

Mrs. J, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Cura.

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