Thursday 6 February 2020

Reception Thursday 6th February 2020

Hello Everyone!

It was wonderful to see so many of you at the Parent Consultation evenings this week; we were so proud of all the children and excited to share their progress with you all. If you were unable to attend, then please do contact us to arrange a more convenient time. I would also like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to Mrs. Smith for giving up her time to join me and share the learning that has taken place since Christmas.

We absolutely loved the beach themed home learning that has been coming in and the children have really enjoyed standing up in front of the class and sharing their adventures. Also, the various creative sea creatures that are hanging in the reading area are phenomenal!

The children have been thoroughly absorbed by our story telling focus this week and our visitor, Martin Maudsley, on Tuesday inspired them all. It really was a fun and valuable opportunity for children to develop so many skills: speaking, listening, team work, expression, imagination, story language, vocabulary, sentence structure and performance skills.

In Power Maths this week we have been exploring and deepening our understanding of part, part, whole.

As we shared with you all, at the Parent Consultation evenings, where your child is in RWInc, Mrs. Smith is still carrying out assessments. As promised, we will send home a highlighted progress sheet next Thursday with a RWInc book for the half term holiday.

On Monday we have our Dance Festival, thank you to the volunteers who are accompanying us. We will take photographs and film their dance so that you can see it during next week at drop off and pick up times. The children will have an early lunch on Monday and will be back at school by 3:30pm. Please check the weather forecast and ensure the children have suitable coats etc. as we will be walking there and back.

Home Learning:

  • Power Maths - Unit 9 week 5 - addition to 10 and combining 2 groups together
  • RWInc books
  • Can you be a story teller? You could be filmed telling a story and send it to us - you could do this using a book or by making up your own story! Can you make up a story that has a pirate, a dragon, a cat and dragon gold in it? Can you use the words: suddenly, magic, next and carefully in your story? Use some toys at home to make up and tell your story. Can you use different voices for your characters and give them names? Could you change the characters from a story you already know "The Three Little Hippos!" Can you find an interesting place to tell your story - at the dinner table, in the park, in your garden, in the bath, in a den with a torch, in the woods, on a farm, out on a walk????????????? Can you get your family to join in or even dress up? If you want to, you could even write your story down!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Have LOTS of fun with your story!
Thank you once again for all your support!

Mrs. J, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Cura

................something magical is brewing, not all is as it seems next week...............

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