Hello everyone,
As it has been a while since my last post about phonics I have put below all the sounds that we have covered since the beginning of term! We have nearly finished all the sounds that we will cover this year. At this point we will start recapping them and extending the length of words. We will also be ensuring children are confident seeing the sounds in words and sentences. Again, below the sounds I have also put a list of words that you may wish to try and write at home with your children! Please bring in all efforts!
So here are the sounds!
'oa' - as in goat - raise hand to your mouth as if shocked saying 'oa' 'oa' 'oa'
'oo' - as in boot - move head back and forth pretending to be a cuckoo clock going off
'oo' - as in book - same as above
'ar' - as in farm - look up and open mouth like you are at the dentist saying 'ar' 'ar' 'ar'
'or' - as in fork - same action as 'ee'. move hands above ears saying 'eeyore' eeyore' 'eeyore'
'ur' - as in hurt - hold knee as if you have hurt it saying 'ur' 'ur' 'ur'
'ow' - as in cow - hold finger as if hurt and say 'ow' 'ow' 'ow'
and here are some words for you to have a go at writing!
Reception team