Friday 17 May 2024

Planes, being active and So Much!

 Hi Reception Families,

Firstly a huge thank you to all those who came to our class assembly this week, I hope you enjoyed it, the children have worked very hard.

This week we have been learning about Planes from before and planes now, in Understanding The World. 

On Monday we learnt how to make a paper airplane and we tried to get them through the hoop! 

In maths we have been exploring how to make 10.

In English we started a new book So Much. We had had a fantastic time role-playing all the different parts of the story and talking about the special people in our families.

Of course on Monday we had a great time building the Roundhouse, thank you to the grown ups who came and helped. We are really excited to see how this develops over the summer.

In Art was explored using pastels for the first time, I was super impressed with their sketches! 

Moving Our Attention to next week:

Understanding the World: Cars from before and now.

Maths: Composition within 10

English: So Much.

As ever if you need anything. don't hesitate to get in touch.

Ms Evans and the Reception Team

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