Sunday 28 January 2024

Dragons, Knights and making Orange.

 Hi Reception Families,

We have had a lovely week, I was particularly impressed with how well the children worked at improving their racket and ball skills in PE this week!

In Understanding the World this week we learnt all about Dragons and Knights, we had a fantastic play project were children made a dragon and somewhere for the dragon to live. 

In maths this week we have been focussing on composition to five, this helps children develop a deep understanding of their number bonds. We had a wonderful time focussing on the five speckled frogs. I wonder if the children can remember our stem sentence '4 and 1 makes 5' '3 and 2' makes 5.

In Expressive Art and Design we learnt how to make orange and painted, well an orange!

Turning our attention to next week.

It's a busy week, on Monday we have the fantastic Kapla with us Reception will be taking part first thing in the morning (probably wise) and parents are warmly invited to come and visit at 3:15 and take your children home a bit early.

Tuesday we have our Maths Mastery parent session at 9:00 it will be lovely to see you.
Wednesday we have HSBC money sense workshops.

Drawing Club: Never Ever give a T-Rex a Book
Understanding the World:  China (two week focus)
Maths: Counting 6 and 7

Don't forget Parent Consultations are on Tuesday and Thursday.

If there is anything we can do to help, please do let us know!
Ms Evans and the Reception Team

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