Friday 21 October 2022

Diwali, shape and the end of our first half term together!

 Hello Reception families,

I would like to start by saying, how very proud I am of all the children and what they have achieved during the first half term of the academic year, their attitude towards their learning has been wonderful. We really are inspired to learn!

This week we have had a split focus, we ended our trip in Space on Tuesday and turned our focus to Diwali. It's been lovely to hear that children have been discussing their learning at home this week!

In Power maths we have been learning about shape. We have done lots of recognising shapes and we really enjoyed our potato printing group activities.

We've really enjoyed investigating pouring and filling different vessels in the water table, we pretended a volcano was erupting!

We  have planted daffodil bulbs with Mr Bascombe Ms Evans is really looking forward to when they bloom in the spring!

We made planets and asteroids using clay, these will come home after half term.

Turning our attention to our Diwali learning today we have had a Diwali Celebration day.

We have made Diwali lanterns, (Did the children tell you it's the festival of light?)

Ms Dainton took us on a sensory adventure of the story of Rama and Sita which we did in our bird groups.

We also made Rangoli, traditionally Rangoli are made to welcome Lakshmi into your home. Rangoli are a temporary design, completing a Rangoli is a lovely mindful activity, the children really enjoyed this!

We also experienced another Diwali tradition of sharing food! 

Each half term each class awards seven certificates acknowledging children's achievements. As I'm sure you can appreciate this was a difficult task given what a stella start all pupils have had and I am deeply proud of all children!

Awards were given for Drawing Club, Problem Solving, PE and Ready Set Go which acknowledges shining examples of our Inspired to Learn ethos.

Turning our focus to next half term, I will be making a few adjustments to the layout of the room and will share photos in due course so children can be aware of the changes.

As we move into the colder season when children will be wearing hats, scarfs etc we will be putting drinks bottles and snack pots into two boxes and putting them on the playground at 3:25. 

This will mean the children will have less to carry/ put away/ get out a spread everywhere two seconds before the end of the day! We would encourage you to take the child's drink/snack from the box before the end of the day. We will review this method two weeks into the next half term.

On Fridays children will be bringing home a 'book to love' this will be a book of their choice, to share with you at home, this will not be a reading book for them to practice reading, but will provide children with the opportunity to discuss their ideas and enjoy what we call in Reception a 'book snuggle.'

Our trip to Maiden Castle Farm will also be rescheduled for early next half term so watch this space for updates!

We will start next term by exploring fireworks and Bonfire night. We need newspapers, old clothes and hats as we will be making Scarecrows/ 'Guys' any donations you have would be gratefully received (especially tights or leggings!)

Staffing update:
We are saying a see you soon to Ms Dainton as she will be moving into Year One after half term and a fond hello to Mrs Briant who will be joining us as a 1:1 TA. Most of the children know Mrs Briant as Karen from preschool, we are really looking forward to her joining us Monday-Friday. 
I'd like to express my thanks to Ms Dainton for all her work with us this half term!

Phew what a blog well done for getting to the end!
I hope you all have a wonderful half term break and we can't wait to see you all very soon

Ms Evans and the ever wonderful Reception Team!

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