Saturday 13 March 2021

Reception - first week back! The most resilient children in the world!

 Happy Sunny Saturday Everyone! It really is a sign that the light is shining through the end of the COVID tunnel!

I know I use the word "proud" a lot, but it is a word that genuinely describes how we, in Reception, feel about your children. Now, more than ever, they have not failed to amaze us..............this week has been amazing! The children have demonstrated such resilience and also a clear love of school because they have settled straight back in to the environment, routine and learning as if they were never away! The children who attended school throughout lockdown have also been incredible because they have had to adjust from a class of 31 to a class of 12 max and then back to 31. In some respects this was more of a challenge because they had been used to more adult support and this week they have had to share us! 

Please make sure you have LOTS of cuddles this week-end telling them how proud you are of them. Physical contact, self esteem building and warmth is essential for children's emotional well being and good mental health.

Next week we will continue to travel in our hot air balloons. We will be leaving Europe and heading for The Gambia!!!

Science week has been so much fun. This class really are excellent at discussing, reasoning and testing as well as being super curious and articulate - a real pleasure to teach!

See you all on Monday,

Mrs. J, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Hibberd and Mrs. Burgess


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