Tuesday 12 January 2021

Reception Tuesday 12th January 2021


What a yucky, wet day! Don't let that deter you from going out though as Reception love being outside in all weathers!!!!!! As we have no snow - why not try some mud sledging down a hill!

Mrs. Hibberd really enjoyed speaking to you all today. We would like to reinforce that you are ALL doing an amazing job! We are hugely grateful to all of you who are keeping your children at home, despite the pressures of your own work! Can I also reassure you that we ALL suffer from "parental guilt" thinking we are not doing enough etc and, coupled with that, this has been going on now for nearly a year and we are all exhausted by COVID 19, trying to keep smiling for your children! 

We are all different and our children are all different, what might work one day may not work the next! Early Years education is NOT about sitting down formally at desks or for ages on the carpet. While we do do daily formal RWInc and Power Maths lessons, it is vital for their development that the children MUST play! The "My Learning Buffet" is for the children to choose from and is related to the topic but it is NOT essential - go with your child's interests! Do not be afraid to leave them engrossed in their play because they are developing thinking skills, problem solving, communication and language, resilience, imagination.............children learn through discovery and curiosity.

Things to try if you get stuck:

Maths: shape, number and measure can be introduced to all play and activities around the house or out on a walk. 

Please find time to do a puzzle with you child or play a board game.

Fine motor skills: cutting, threading, "dough disco" with playdough (google it), sorting small objects.

Fitness and mindfulness: Cosmic Kids yoga we use a lot in school. Find some trees to climb, this is great for adventure as well as developing risk taking and core strength.

Save some recycling and allow them to create - all they need is sellotape, glue and scissors on a basic level.

Encourage imaginary play with lego or playmobil, dolls or models, dressing up...............Put some old pots and pans in the garden, find them a mud patch and let them create their own mud kitchen set up!

Encourage conversation - perfect on a walk! Talk about the environment: colours, sounds, textures, smells, introduce vocabulary to describe things.

Don't forget that on BBC 2 CBBC is providing daily educational programmes from 9am if you just need 5 minutes to do something else! Cbeebies is such a great channel because it relates to some many areas of the curriculum! The children looooooooove Number Blocks!

I know books and reading is tricky at the moment but Mrs. Smith has been investigating..............If you google Oxford Owl, on the right hand side click on "join us" as a parent (it is free) and you will fnd RWInc support, resources and ebooks!

I understand there were some teething problems with the google slide: I will try to rectify my settings for next week, failing that, if you request access I will let you in!

I have not had many replies regarding the Year 4 buddy letters.

I will set up the zoom next week for those of you who have sent your emails, we totally understand if you do not want to do this as it may be more distressing for the children as they cannot be in school.

Take care, stay in touch - we are here for you and remember: 


They are just happy to spend time with you - treasure these early years!

Mrs. J, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Hibberd

PS If you know someone is not accessing the blog, please could you let me know - thank you!

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