Thursday 28 January 2021

Reception Thursday 28th January 2021


Helllllllooooooooooo out there..................

We hope this finds you amazing people all well? 

To all the children learning from home, Mrs. Hibberd, Mrs. Smith and myself were thrilled to see so many of you on the zoom meeting yesterday - we really do miss seeing you all and it made our day! If you would like to join next Wednesday, please email me directly. 

A couple of things: Thanks to ALL your excellent learning, we have filled our Dragon Gem Treat jar!!!!!!!! So, on Monday afternoon at 1:30pm we will be watching a film, eating something yummy and with a cuddly toy wearing our slippers and dressing gowns! If you are attending school you may bring in your teddy, slippers and dressing gown, if you are at home please get yourself ready - you deserve it! We are having popcorn in class but you can have a treat of your choice at home. We will be watching Robin Hood on Disney + which is rated U - you can watch this at home or choose another film!

Watch this space for a funny video coming your way, by special request of those children who were on the zoom yesterday.....................keep your eyes peeled!

So the next two weeks learning will be based upon Robin Hood! The Learning Buffet slide has lots of fun creative ideas for you and hopefully there will be something for everyone!

In order to promote oracy skills I would like to set up something called Flip Grid. This is an interactive way for your children to be involved in developing those skills and it is a safe, private platform. The only way you can access it is by giving me your email address. If YOU DO NOT want your child to be able to participate, please let me know asap, otherwise I will access your email addresses via the school office.

Thank you for EVERYTHING you are doing - it is absolutely evident that your children ARE HAPPY and that is the most important thing in the world!!!!!

Miss you all,

Mrs. J, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Hibberd and Mrs. Briant

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