Tuesday 1 September 2020

Welcome to Reception 2020 - 2021


A VERY warm welcome to Reception at The Prince of Wales School! We are sooooooo excited for the adventure we are about to embark on together and thank you for choosing our school as the first step on your child's educational journey through school. It is an absolute privilege to be a part of building precious memories for an individual.

We hope that those dragons are all settling in well? Please allow your child to bring them in to school daily as a comforter and also as a basis for our dragon themed classroom. We would also ask that, over the next few days, you could find 2 family photos that your child could bring in. One is intended for use in our "This is Me!" topic and one is to keep in their tray or on their locker as another comforter. They will also provide a fantastic opportunity to stimulate conversation.

One of our Reception Team will be at the A and B gate each drop off and pick up time in order to meet and greet you, to welcome your child and as a chance for face to face communication. If you need to arrange a meeting with myself or are not available at drop off and pick up, then please email me at s.johnson@princeofwales.dorset.sch.uk 

A reminder that THIS Friday, 4th September, is our parent information session 2 - 3:15pm in the school hall - one parent per family in order to comply with social distancing. You will then be able to collect your child from the A and B gates and lead onto the playground at the back of the school for our Welcome BBQ where all family members are invited.

Here's to a year full of happiness, fun, curiosity, thinking, designing, creating, exploring, testing, questioning, solving, learning, playing and EXPERIENCING!

Requests: there are a few items we are always on the look out for and if you happen to have any going spare, we would love them!!!!!!!!!!!

..............buttons, beads, sequins, stamps, postcards, wool, necklaces, brooches, watches, glasses, hats, scarves, gloves, shoes (for dressing up), shells, pine cones, interesting stones or beach finds, junk modelling, ribbons, nuts and bolts, old remote controls, crockery, tea pots, pestle and mortar, vases, storage jars, trinkets, vintage dial telephone, carriage clock......................

Thank you in advance and we look forward to seeing you all on Thursday.................We feel like a child on Christmas Eve!!!!!!!!!

Mrs. J, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Hibberd

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