Wednesday 23 September 2020

Reception Wednesday 23rd September 2020


What a very warm welcome I received on Monday - thank you everyone! It was so lovely to be back and to see all the children again.

I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing all the family pictures and talking with the children about them.

Shoes, shoes, shoes..............using "Alfie's Feet" by Shirley Hughes, we have been inspired to measure feet, estimate how many given items will fit inside a shoe then checking, drawing, painting and making shoes. The role play shoe shop has been a huge success (thank you so much for all the shoe loans) and has stimulated many discussions about what different uses shoes have and where you might wear them.

As the weather changes, please could you ensure children come to school with a coat and a pair of wellies to keep here!

The next 2 weeks are Farming Fortnight. We will be visiting Maiden Castle Farm on Monday 5th October, children will need to come to school wearing old, warm play clothes, coat and wellies (hats and gloves would be great if it is chilly). We will be spending the morning at the farm and will return for lunch. There will be an opportunity for the children to dress up as a farmer (the date will follow shortly).

We are so proud of the whole class and, in particular, how they have been coming into school. What you can't see is that they each come in and independently put all their belongings away in their locker and tray, then they go to their designated "dragon group" to carry out an activity. They are all thoroughly engaged and calm; it is quite incredible!

The sounds we have been learning this week are: m, a, s, d, t - we can recognise the sound, read it, make it and are having a go at writing it.

There was a fire drill practice today and Reception were exceptional in their response, listening and keeping calm - well done!

See you all tomorrow!

Mrs. J, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Hibberd.

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