Thursday 20 September 2018

Reception........sounds, conkers and vegetables!

Sounds that we have been learning this week are:

"i" as in "insect"- short bouncy sound
"n" tongue to the roof of the mouth and make a sound (do not drop the tongue) - the picture and phrase that goes with the sound"down Nobby and over the net".
"p" lips together and push the air through them (no voice) "down the plait and round the pirate's face".
"g" "round her face, down her hair and give her a curl".

Tomorrow is "o" as in orange.

If you have experienced any difficulty with Tapestry, it will be rectified tomorrow.

It was a challenge to get all children to experience forest schools in 1 hour, so we will be taking half a class on alternate weeks until half term - therefore send in the same clothes and we will alternate each week. After half term we will give children a block of weeks before alternating.

If you enjoy a windy walk, then we would very much appreciate lots of conkers for next week.

Further requests: we would really like to replace the plastic plates, cups, tea-pots and cutlery in our home corner with real crockery, tea set, tea-pt and cutlery - if anyone has some old sets that they would like to donate that would be wonderful. Secondly, if anyone has any fruit or vegetables that they would like to donate for vegetable printing, investigating, chopping next week that too would be very much appreciated! Thank you!

There is still time to volunteer  for our farm trip next Tuesday morning!

There has been a lot of excitement this week as it was Paddington's birthday, so we decided to hold him a party tomorrow.............children have been writing invitations, birthday cards and even wrapping him presents as well as making cakes.

There was some fantastic problem solving this afternoon where several children built an obstacle course!

Mrs. Johnson and The Wonderful Reception Team!!!!!!!

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