Hello everyone,
As we have finally come to the end of the year I would like to say a few words before you all go and enjoy the sunshine and enjoy that well deserved break!
Firstly, I would like to say a massive thank you for everything that happened yesterday afternoon! The gifts, the speech and the kind words that were exchanged. These really were more than any of us could have expected and we are truly appreciative of this. We all barely held ourselves together. Secondly, I would like to say thank you for giving us such a vibrant, interesting and diverse group of children. They really are the reason that we do the job and it becomes so much more fulfilling when you see the success' they experience in the first year. They all deserve many ice creams and Freddo's over the next 6 weeks. Of course, we have to thank yourselves as well! It makes such a difference to have parents and grandparents that are interested in working with us to give their child the best possible start in their first full year of education. So thank you. Whilst this will not be the last time we see each other, I would like to wish every single one of you the best of luck for the future and I encourage you to trust in the year 1 team as they will set about taking your children on the next stage of their education.
Reception team