Monday 29 February 2016

Eco day and update on clothing...

Fairy garden small world tyre for outdoor play in the early years  - by EYchloe:

Hello everyone,

Today we had a bit of a special day. Much like Christmas Technology Day we split up for the day and went to do all sorts of different things centered around an 'Eco' theme. There was all sorts of things made and done - bird feeders, cress heads, painted cup planting and wellie planting among other things. Most of these things will stay in school to be used around the grounds. You will hopefully be able to spot how we use them over the rest of the week.
For the rest of this week we will be engaging in lots of outdoors activities so you are more than welcome to send children into school wearing play trousers that can get  bit muddy. This will be the case for the rest of this week. As for wellies, please feel free to leave them in school to save bringing them back in every day. Some of our outdoors projects are listen below, if anyone is able to come in and help at any point, please let us know:

Inquiring Minds: Mrs. Myers' Kindergarten: Inquiring About Music: Our Sound Exploration Area:

1. Music wall - we'll be using old pots and plans, trays, and pipes to make a wall for anyone that needs some noise in their day.
2. Gardening - this includes weeding, sorting and tidying as well as planting.
3. Wheelbarrow hotel - Using an old wheelbarrow to make a bug hotel. We'll fill it with soil and logs/sticks for any little visitors we may find in our outdoor area.
4. small word tires - Filling tires with soil and sand and making them into small word enclosures i.e. dino-land, fairyville, builders yard.

Reception team

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