Monday 1 February 2016

Big Write - Chinese New Year!

Hello everyone,

Firstly, a message to pass on to you all about head lice within the school. We have had several reported cases in reception so please could we ask you to be aware. We will be asking girls with long hair to have it tied up all the time please - don't worry we have lots of spare hairbands! A letter will be coming home tomorrow. Sorry it that made you itch your head. 
Moving on, we are continuing to make strides in our Chinese New Year topic. This week we'll be continuing to develop the dragons that we came up with last week and get some super writing about them. We will be situating our 'Big Write' around this idea this week too. This is where children are given a stimulus and time to discuss it - in school and at home - and they then base some writing upon that stimulus. So below are some pictures and questions for you to think about regarding 'DRAGONS' (said in a deep, dark voice).

What words could you use to label your dragon? 

Does your dragon have any special powers?

If you could fly somewhere on your dragon, where would it be?

What will your dragon be called?

There is a dragon, a princess and a knight - what happens?

Finish this sentence 'My Dragon will...'

We will be discussing these questions and more in school before having a go at writing! 

Reception team

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