Friday 15 May 2015

What a super week!

Hello everyone,

We've had a very busy week this week! There were quite a few tired children at the end of today. Thank you for all your help with the beach trip - this was a great success and has helped to inspire the writing we have done yesterday and today. Some children have written postcards about their trip to the beach - some of these are displayed as you walk into the classroom. Other children have begun compiling a scrapbook about our trip to the beach that we will be finishing off next week. As we approach the final few weeks we will be encouraging almost complete independence in writing. This will be tricky but with lots of praise and encouragement we will get there! 
Next week we will be decorating some of the pebbles we brought back from the beach. We will also hopefully be sending home the Mr. Men magnets that the children made a couple of week ago.

Reception team

1 comment:

  1. It was a lovely day at the beach, perfect weather, the children were extremely well behaved, lots of excitement on the coach, unfortunately there was just one thing missing.....Ice-cream!
