Tuesday 9 December 2014

This weeks sound

Hello all,

We have reached the end of our sounds journey this term and will be learning the final sound this week! Beginning in January we will be going back over groups of sounds to ensure that all children can begin to read them in a variety of words and contexts. We will not be learning any new sounds from now on! The children have taken very well to phonics and their determination will serve them well as we move on to more complicated texts. Thank you for all our support. We will be continuing to update your child's sound pot for you to use at home so please keep this in your book bags.

This week sound is:

'ure' - as in manure - hold your nose and pretend their is a nasty smell nearby saying 'ure', 'ure', 'ure'.

This is a very tricky sound to learn for children as it is used in so few words and difficut to pronounce in the first place. We will be doing lots of revisiting on this sound. 

Reception team

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