Friday 24 February 2012

What's been happening.... What is happening in reception class this week.

Hello to all the followers of this blog.
We have had a great  week in Reception enjoying our work on Fairtrade and where chocolate comes from.
The children have waited all week for the chocolate they were promised at the end of the week. They have done so well and the learning this week has been super. Try asking the children where chocolate comes from and how it is made. Or what the Fairtrade logo means. They were really getting on board with this.
You may have seen a rather interesting sculptor in our class this week too. It has created a great deal of  dialogue among some staff about what it may be. We think the most bizzare was Mr Butchers sugesstion..... A Milan Super model !! Have the children told you what it is?
This said sculptor caused much hilarity among the staff in reception, when one child having decided he was done with slushy sticky gloopy paper mache jumped up and hugged the T.A. standing next to him shouting "wash hands wash hands......"
We have also done some great writing about chocolate and we were very encouraged with so many children willing to sound out the words they wanted to write and then having a go at writing. One little boy was so thrilled when I said I would move his caterpillar, that before  I knew it, he had jumped on a chair and done it himself beaming and grinning from ear to ear. So please keep up the good work on the cursive writing boards.
We are also learning to count in 2's and transfer what we know about groups of 2  to buying chocolate bars with 2p coins. This is a very difficult concept to grasp as it requires some abstract thinking.
Lastly we have had fun making pancakes ( with chocolate sauce in)  and having pancake races. The children have been learning about Shrove Tuesday and Lent.

So what's happening in Global awareness week.
Building on the learning about Fairtrade we will be learning some geography this week with a visit to the Gambia, where we will meet a little girl called Fatou and her family and the children will hear about a different culture and faith.We will also be doing some cooking and making a citizenship display.
Please come and join us on Friday afternoon.

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