Friday 3 February 2012

Week Beginning 6th February

Dear All
Next week we will be continuing our theme of dragons  knights and princessess with a drama story. I will be picking 3 children out of a hat to use the 3 dragon costumes we have in school, otherwise your  child may choose to dress up in a knight or princess costume what ever their gender.  They will need these costumes for Thursday morning.
Thank you.

We are  also having a week of investigations which includes investiagting how water moves things and different ways of cooking eggs. Please could we borrow any water wheels pumps and other water toys you may have. Your child will also need to bring in an egg cup.
Thank you.
 In  our Personal Emotional and Social   (PSE)  curriculum I am focussing on Going Goals. I have been asking the children to think about acheiving an aim in Let's Explore like persevering and finishing a task before moving on. I am trying to encourage perseverence and resilience.

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