Hi Reception families,
Goodness me a little more than a week to go until the end of term! The year has flown by!
We had a fantastic visit from Poppy and Bobby the dogs yesterday, the children were amazing with them and it was a good experience for all!!
Details for the next week are as follows:
Monday 15th: Whole School Film Afternoon
Tuesday 16th: PE in the afternoon
Wednesday 17th: Train trip to Weymouth, we have not received very many £3 for chips and consent for the trip, this MUST HAPPEN by Tuesday 16th otherwise will we not be able to go! Children can wear their own (weather appropriate bottoms) and a jumper/ top with the school logo on. With the weather being so changeable, please ensure your children are appropriately dressed.
Thursday 18th : There will be a whole school, bring a board game day to day... The idea of board games in reception is a bit terrifying, I can imagine counters and dice everywhere, so we would like to host a teddy bears picnic instead, which will thrill 90% of the class who have been desperately trying to sneak toys in from home all year!!! My recommendations is, it isn't a very special toy or one that they can't sleep without, just incase anything happens!
Friday 19th: Year 4 leavers ceremony, all children MUST HAVE a packed lunch. School finishes normal time.
On a personal note, it is my daughter's year 6 leavers ceremony on Friday afternoon and I have been supported and enabled to attend so I will be saying my goodbyes to Reception at lunchtime on Friday and spend the afternoon sobbing into a tissue that my 'baby' is old enough for Secondary School! I am sure you can all understand the importance of this event and that only something of such significance would draw me away on the last day of term.
The children are very ready and prepared for the next phase of their adventure with Miss White and the Reception team are really looking forward to the next and final week together.
Ms Evans and the Reception Team.