Sunday 15 October 2023

Planets, stars and solar systems

 Hi Reception Families,

We had a really lovely week.

Our learning in Understanding the World is focussing on Space, this week we have been learning about the planets in our solar system. 

We had such fun chalking planets on the playground, making planets from clay and practising our fine motor skills painting with cotton buds.

We've also had fantastic fun building a spaceship outside, it has been wonderful to see the children working so closely together collaborating with their play.

In maths we have been focussing on numbers to four, making sure we count amounts carefully.

It's been such a busy half term, I am looking forward to discussing the children's progress with you this week in our Parent Consultations.

Turning our attention to this week:

Drawing Club: The Clangers

Maths: Amounts to five

Understanding the World: Astronauts and Space Travel

A note about Reading Records: Reading is not only an essential part of school it is also an essential part of childhood. We wholeheartedly recommend reading to your child every day. As children progress through Reception they will begin to bring home reading activities related to their learning in Read Write Inc, it is our school expectation that children will read at home every day.  Whilst children are in the initial stages of learning to read, please record the books you are reading at home with your child in their reading record. Reading records are expected to be returned to school every Friday these will be reviewed by staff and returned home.

Please ensure that all grapes, large blueberries are chopped longways in half. Grapes pose a significant choking risk for children under the age of  five and beyond.

As ever if you have anything you would like to discuss please do get in touch.

Ms Evans and the Reception Team. 


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