Saturday 1 April 2023

Tigers, trips and a rather special tea party!

 Hello Reception,

Phew! We ended the term on possibly one of our best weeks yet! 

Firstly, I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who came to support our tea party yesterday, I know how much it will have meant to the children to have so many guests! Including our very own tiger!

We had a wonderful trip to Shire Hall on Thursday, the children really enjoyed it, if you have other children, I'd really recommend a trip over the holidays, it's a lovely play space for families to explore the story.

We started the week with a shocking scene! A tiger had been for tea over the weekend. We've been looking for that tiger ever since! Current thinking is he's invisible and is living in the castle! Pure childhood magic!

We enjoyed writing our invitations on Monday and making our very own cakes on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon!

I'm definitely going to let the pictures do the talking this week!

Turning our attention to the SUMMER TERM!

When we come back, it will the beginning of our last term in Reception and it promises to be as big, as exciting and as playful as the rest!

We start the term with the theme, Ticket to Ride! We will be learning about different homes, different places to live, here in the UK and around the world. We will also be learning about cars, planes and trains from 'now and before.'

Our PE day is changing to Monday. Please ensure that children come dressed for PE on the first day back. We are going to have PE with Mr Treble!

We will be visiting Maiden Castle Farm on the 19th April, details will be shared at the beginning of term (when we know what the weather is doing.)

Children may be moving RWInc groups after the Spring Holidays and this will be shared with you at the beginning of term.

As we move through the first part of the summer term we will begin to spend more time learning all together, this is something we have introduced this term and the children have really enjoyed this!

There will be another move around in the classroom during the holidays to ensure that our learning landscape continues to meet the needs of children's learning, I will share any major changes prior to term starting.

On a final note before I sign off for a few weeks, the team and I would just like to say a huge thank you for all the support you have given the children and us this term. Thank you for reading to them  and supporting their reading (and remembering those reading records) thank you for helping the children complete their homework and bringing it back into school and thank you for helping us with trips!

Enjoy the Spring Holidays and we will see you soon

Ms Evans and the Reception team!
Ps don't eat too much chocolate 😋

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