Sunday 18 April 2021

Reception - Summer Term.................Here comes the sun!

Summer Term......................"here comes the sun!!!!!" Yippee!!!!!!!!!! And light at the end of the COVID tunnel!!!!! 

A few changes: We will now be in a bubble with Year 1 and Year 2, breakfast club and aftershool club provision is now being held in the Staff Room within the new bubble - should you wish to access this, please see Mr. Edmond in the office. There are also 2 after school clubs open to our new bubble - Dance Fitness on a Monday and Multi-Sport on a Thursday - again you need to book for these activities. 

This week marks the start of "The Big Pedal"..........we ask as many of you as possible to scoot or cycle to school (parents included) - we record this data as a school and then it goes into a National data base.........we are very competitive and have done incredibly well in the past!!!!!!!!!

Hopefully, we will be enjoying beautiful weather, therefore please ensure your child has a named sun hat in school. We suggest you apply 8 hour suncream before they come to school, if you would like your child to have more reapplied, please leave a clearly named bottle with one of the team at the gate and we will keep it in the cupboard - thank you!

We have a super exciting term of learning planned - the over arching theme is "Mini Beasts to Giant Beasts".................we will begin by being scientists and explorers learning all about insects and then, after half term we will be travelling back in time to meet Mary Anning and find out who she was, as well as learning all about the Aquatic Reptiles that used to inhabit our Jurassic Coast...........there may well be a trip involved too!!!!!!!!

Requests: We have a stunning new outside play house and would love any unwanted scarves, hats, bags, glasses (glass removed), jewellery or house hold objects!

Junk modelling would also be fantastic - particularly small boxes, containers or pots.

We are always grateful for unwanted craft items, gems, sequins, lace, buttons, beads, pebbles etc too!

If you have too many bedding plants, we can give any spares a good home!

See you all tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mrs. J, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Hibberd and Mrs. Cura

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