The PoW Arctic Airways, and the imminent arrival of Phileas Fogg, has indeed sparked imaginations and inspired our young learners.................we were most intrigued by flight!!!!!!!!!!!! Many children were thoroughlu engaged for a significant length of time independently designing, making and testing out kites.
I asked children, "If aeroplanes and hot air balloons are so big and heavy, how do they stay up in the air?"
replies: "If people eat too much, they get fat and heavy and the plane will fall out of the sky!" "it's something to do with the wings" "Hot air balloons stay up because of the fire" "If you turn the fire down, the balloon will come down."
Retelling the Nativity.
A new building contractors firm were onsite today, apparently the are here to rebuild and paint the school and they charge a lot of money for their services. Not only that, they went to the school office to put in essential order for tool boxes and tools!
Independent choice - making a kite and testing it out.
More kites........
"I'm making a hot air balloon!"
Cleverly, this child cut slits in the straw, then folded sticky notes to fit in the slots in order to make stable wings! Amazing imagination!
We will continue to enhance our provision to suit the needs and interests of the children around this topic...........who knows where it will lead us!!??
Reminders: This Thursday is the Panto and Friday is Dress Like an Elf Day!
See you all tomorrow!
Mrs. J, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Cleaver and Mrs. McConnell