Monday 8 October 2018

Reception - learning this week and new ideas!

Thank you to all of you who were able to come to the Harvest Assembly and for all your contributions. The children were fantastic - so confident!!!!!

This week we are continuing our bears topic, based around the book "We're Going on a Bear Hunt". Please do share it at home if you have a copy.

We have been really impressed at how Reception are coming in in the mornings and going to their group for their early bird task - they have been very settled and ready to learn at carpet time.

The team and I have enjoyed seeing the super sound work that is going on at home and recorded in your red books - if you would like to mix it up a bit, how about going on a walk and collecting some items with those initial letter sounds, or taking some chalk to a park/outside and writing them (take a photo), someone even practised writing them on the shower door glass!!!!!!!!

We hope you are enjoying your Time to Talk home learning.

Don't forget to sign up for the parent consultation evenings next week, and do pop and see me if you are having trouble with times. Equally, please do keep in contact with us, we really value your feed back and ideas - either speak to a member of the team or email me directly.

To finish our bears topic we will be celebrating with a joint teddy bears picnic on the last day of term, Friday 19th October, where you will be invited to come in at 2:30 to join us. A letter will come home shortly. PLEASE COULD THE CHILDREN DRESS UP AS A BEAR FOR THIS DAY (please don't go and buy a costume - something black, brown or white and some face paint/woolly hat and gloves or a mask would be brilliant.) We will also be asking the children to bring in their favourite teddy bear next week too.

New things to introduce: We would like to invite whoever collects their child on a Monday, to come in to class at 3pm to share the class story time - We would like to make this a weekly event but we also realise that some of you are unable to make it - if you can't make it, maybe you could let me know an alternative day or time so that we can occasionally change it to suit everyone.

After half term, I would like to offer some demonstration read write inc sessions which will happen after morning drop off - I will email these sessions during the week.

Thank you for you positivity and continued support!

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