Monday 16 July 2018

Reception - A Few Things...

Image result for a few things

Hello everyone,

As we rapidly approach the end of term I would like to outline some of the things that will be happening! 

In chronological order...

Wednesday 18th - Our Granny and Granddad's Breakfast will be held in the reception classroom from 9.00am. All Grandparents are invited and, of course, parents where it is not possible for Grandparents to attend. We look forward to serving you up something nice. A question I had today was whether or not the children are allowed to eat? The answer is yes, of course! 

Monday 23rd - The final Awards Assembly will take place on this day. Please could we ask for all children who won awards last half-term to return them to school so they may be passed on.

Wednesday 25th - Last day of term! We have some special plans for this day. I don't want to reveal everything at this point but there are a couple of things to make you aware of... we are going to be replacing our normal lunch with something else..... you do not have to do anything if your child is normally a hot dinner. If your child usually has a packed lunch and you would still like this to still be the case, please bring one in. Secondly, we are planning on having an ice cream 'treat' in school. The price for this will be £1 per child. Please could we collect your £1 coins though to ensure they are in one place. 

There will be other things happening between now and the end of term but these are a few to make you aware of now! 

7 school days and counting....

Reception team

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