Sunday 1 October 2017

Reception - Home Learning Project

Image result for name writing creative

Hello everyone,

Firstly, a big well done to the reception children for their efforts on Friday in the Harvest Assembly! We hope you enjoyed it! 
Every half-term there will be an opportunity to participate in the home learning project for that half-term. This is not compulsory but we do encourage as many of you to take part as possible. Firstly, because it is good for children to see that learning can happen anyhwhere - not just at school; and as children progress through their schooling, home learning will become a more integral part of their learning. Secondly, we hope its fun! 

This half-terms project is one that we have carried out for a few years in reception. It is to present your name in as creative way as you can think of! It could be written, made from cutlery, cheerios or tissue paper! Pretty much anything is acceptable as long as we can make out your child's name. Bonus points for including surnames! Naturally, we will present some prizes for the names that we think are the most creatively made. Bringing pictures in from home is absolutely fine! The deadline for this is Friday 20th October. Get creating! 

Reception team

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