Thursday 23 February 2017

Reception - Growth Mindset

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Hello everyone,

A bit of an explanation blog! Over the last week we have been introducing and thinking about a Growth mindset. We have explored a Fixed Mindset - this is someone who believes that intelligence is fixed and that no matter how much effort you put in, you will never be good at some things. So you may as well give up! Then we looked at a Growth mindset... This approach believes that anything is possible! Although it may not be immediately. You will have to put in some hard work and to an extent everything you know, you have had to learn and at some point in you life you did not know it!
We then linked this with our Learning Powers that we use at the Prince of Wales. We have covered Resilience and reflectiveness. These are personified by a tortoise and a monkey, respectively. Within each of these learning powers are specific skills that can be practiced and honed, like perseverance, planning ahead, managing distractions amongst others. 
To aid this, we are currently using Class Dojo. This allows us to reward children for the specific skills that they are showing. All children have an avatar that is then awarded points. Please ask your child about this as they have been incredibly keen and proud to share what they have achieved and why. We have watched several videos exploring how your brain is a muscle and just like any other muscle, needs exercise. The brains exercise is something challenging! Hopefully this acts as a small introduction to how we are going to be 'Growing our Brains' in the coming months! If you have any questions please come and ask.

Reception team

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