Monday 19 September 2016

Reception - Show and tell and Mr. Bump!

Image result for mr bump toy

Hello everyone,

We have begun this week by introducing a couple of new elements of the classroom that will continue for the rest of the year! The first of these is the 'Show and Tell' system we operate in reception. This method ensures that everyone gets a chance  to bring something in from home several times throughout the year and tell us all about it. When it is your child's turn, they will come home wearing a badge saying 'Show and Tell'. What children bring in is completely up to them! There is no right and wrong. We have had golf clubs, fossils, teddies, favourite stories etc. 
The second new thing that we started today was our Mr. Bump! Mr. Bump is a soft toy that children get to bring home for one evening at a time. Mr. Bump is given out at the end of each day to a child that has achieved or shown something in that day. It could be learning related, it could be their mannerisms, or how much effort they have put into something. If you want to bring in pictures or work related to your evening with Mr. Bump you are more than welcome to! If you have any questions about either of these then please come and speak to us!

Reception team

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