Wednesday 18 May 2016

Seaside Home Learning...

Hello everyone,

Firstly, can I just say what a lovely time we had down at Weymouth Beach on Tuesday. The reception children really were a credit to themselves. They participated fully and showed great maturity when helping pre-school children. 

We have begun a Seaside topic that will last the rest of this week and next week too. Below, I've popped some ideas that you could do at home and bring in to school. Good luck!

  • Make a beach picture
  • Write a list of all the things you would take to the beach.
  • Solve this problem: There are 5 crabs in a rockpool. 1 leaves but 4 more come into the rockpool. Later on the crab that left comes back. How many crabs are there in the rockpool?
  • Find out the names of 5 different things that live in the sea.
  • Write a message to go in a bottle!
  • Create your own sea creature and write some labels to describe him/her.
  • Find 3 things that float and 3 things that sink.

Reception team

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