Wednesday, 25 May 2016


Hi all,

As the end of the half-term is fast approaching we are busy finalising who the awards will go to based on effort, application and progress in different areas. Some of the awards given out also come with a trophy. If you still have a trophy at home it would be very helpful if you could hand it in to one of us or at the school office. Thank you to those of you who have already brought them back into school for the next person to have! 

Reception team

Monday, 23 May 2016

This week's events...

Hello everyone,

As we progress through the last week of the half-term we'll be continuing to looking into the 'Seaside' topic we've been covering. There was fantastic home learning brought into school today so thank you for all of that! In literacy this week we are going to be looking at and writing our own postcards. These will be introduced by using the 'Meerkat Mail' story. As well as this we'll be having a go at writing a message in a bottle! In maths this week we're learning about capacity. We'll be ordering different sized containers and tubs and finding out how to prove that one is bigger/smaller than another. Tomorrow we are having a joint morning with pre-school centered around our trip to the beach last week. Today, we also got into our sports day teams and have started the preparation for the sports morning on the 21st June. 
If anyone would like the information given in the parent info session this morning then please let us know and we can pass this along to you. 

Reception team

Friday, 20 May 2016

Reminder - parent informaiton session on Monday!

Hello all,

The children were able to take part in some first aid training today which was fantastic. We learnt about what we should do in a emergency situation. Firstly, shout for help - we have already had cause to use this! Also, how to call the emergency services! Lastly, we learnt about how to put people into the recovery position. Thank you to St. John's Ambulance service for coming in to do this.

Secondly, I thought it would be worthwhile reminding you about the Relationships and Sex Education talk that is taking place on Monday. This will go over what we intend to cover in the reception year. If you have any questions there is also the opportunity to ask away. If you are unable to make it and want to know more about it, please let me know and we can go over the content. 

Reception team

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Seaside Home Learning...

Hello everyone,

Firstly, can I just say what a lovely time we had down at Weymouth Beach on Tuesday. The reception children really were a credit to themselves. They participated fully and showed great maturity when helping pre-school children. 

We have begun a Seaside topic that will last the rest of this week and next week too. Below, I've popped some ideas that you could do at home and bring in to school. Good luck!

  • Make a beach picture
  • Write a list of all the things you would take to the beach.
  • Solve this problem: There are 5 crabs in a rockpool. 1 leaves but 4 more come into the rockpool. Later on the crab that left comes back. How many crabs are there in the rockpool?
  • Find out the names of 5 different things that live in the sea.
  • Write a message to go in a bottle!
  • Create your own sea creature and write some labels to describe him/her.
  • Find 3 things that float and 3 things that sink.

Reception team

Monday, 16 May 2016

Summer fayre

The Prince of Wales Summer fayre is this Saturday 21st May, 11 -2pm. Do come along and support the school. The children’s competitions are; make a miniature garden and paint a pebble. We are hoping to place the pebbles afterwards in the school garden. I look forward to seeing you there!

Beach trip tomorrow!

Hi all,

Firstly, thank you to everyone that made cakes for today's bake off. Congratulations to Jasper, Phillippa and Jason! But really, a big well done to everyone! AND, most importantly, thank you to everyone that donated to a great cause after school today. Please feel free to collect tubs and tins from the classroom in the morning. They will all be along the back wall. 

Just a reminder that the beach trip will be tomorrow morning! We will be back in school by lunchtime so please do not worry about a packed lunch. If you have a sun hat at home, it would be very helpful if you could send children in with these tomorrow. The weather is supposed to be good tomorrow. Thank you to everyone that has volunteered to help with this trip! If you come along tomorrow morning we WILL work out a strategy to get you all down to the beach! Thank you.

Reception team

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Beach safety assembly - Thursday 12th May

We welcomed the RNLI into school on Thursday 12th May. Ben and Maria came into school to explain to the school about how we can be safe on the beach and in the sea.

The children learned that the red and yellow flag is the flag which lets us know it is safe to go into the water. They also learned about other flags which mean danger possibly for different reasons.

The children brought home leaflets on Friday from the RNLI. Do have a look with your child at the key messages, they were all very interested.

Friday, 13 May 2016

Bake off next Monday!

Hi all,

Just a quick reminder that on Monday we will be holding a 'Bake Off' competition in the reception and pre-school classrooms. If you would like to bring in any cakes, muffins, cupcakes etc. then please bring them in on Monday morning. there will be a small judging session before a cake sale! Winners will be chosen based on how much work the children have done towards the cake as well as the all important taste! There will be no set prices for the cakes; it will be a donation for any cakes you take on. Please consider giving what you can for the SENSE charity.  

Reception team

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Beach trip next Tuesday

Hi all,

Just a quick message to say that you may have received another letter about the beach trip today. If you did, it would be great if you could fill out the permission slip that allows us to take your child out on the trip. Please consider contributing what you can also. You can return it to us or to the office! 
It will be a very busy morning so if you are available to help please let us know - some of you already have! However, as we are going with pre-school it may be the case where you go down to the beach in another vehicle - there are not enough spaces on the coach! We will let you know though. Thank you

Reception team

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Life Education Van

Hello everyone,

Today we spent the first part of the morning in the Life Education Van! We learnt about our bodies and some of the things that we need to do to help our bodies; eating healthy, sleeping etc. We also learnt a few things about how our body works; the heart pumps blood, air goes into our lungs etc.
Some fantastic knowledge coming out about all of this so a big well done there!

Also, we have had a jumper go missing at school. Tilly's jumper cannot be found anywhere! It may be the case where it has got muddled up with someone else's jumper and been taken home so it would be appreciated if you could have a little look to see if your child has the wrong jumper - it is named - thank you.

Reception team

Monday, 9 May 2016

This week in reception!

Hello everyone,

We have got a reasonably busy week this week. Several things are happening in school all centered around 'Health and Safety'. We introduced the week to children today by looking at various different aspects of keeping yourself safe and healthy. Through the week we'll be working collaboratively to make some giant information posters. Below are some key dates/events that'll be happenign this week.
Tomorrow morning we will be going into the Life Education van at school. This will be linked in to keeping ourselves healthy and safe also.
On Wednesday we are having an e-safety session from the local 'Safer School Team'. This will be age appropriate. If you have any questions about this then please come and speak to us. As children go through the school there is a strong focus on staying safe when using computers both online and in general.
On Thursday we are luck to have a visit from the RNLI for a whole school assembly. This will be based around beach safety. With our beach trip coming up next week, this couldn't have come at a better time! 
As well as all this we'll be doing jobs in the classroom to help support children's understanding of being healthy and safe.
Finally, the school nurse is coming back in to school this Friday for more hearing tests. I know there has been some confusion regarding this but if you would like your child to have their hearing test then please fill out the form that was sent home. If you cannot find the form please come and let us know.

Reception team

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Health and safety week 9th May - 13th May

The children will be exploring aspects of staying safe and being healthy
over the next week in class. We will be welcoming visitors to the school; RNLI will be visiting to run a Beach safety assembly with tips and key messages about being safe. We also are welcoming the Safer School Team who will be running sessions with each class about staying safe when online at age appropriate level. We also have the Life Education van in school on Tues and Weds (10th and 11th) and each class will access a session based upon the PSHE curriculum for their class. In class, the children will be talking about road safety as well as being healthy and linking this to their science topics.

Lastly, on Friday 20th May each class will be accessing children appropriate levels of first aid training kindly offered by St John's ambulance. Yr 4 will be running through the programme and hopefully completing the course for a certificate!

If you do have questions or some skills or time to offer do speak with the year team.

Thank you, Mrs Mewett

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Sun protection...

Hello everyone,

As the weather is (finally) beginning to get warmer we will be encouraging children to wear sun hats at school. We do have a selection of hats at school but not enough for everyone so if you would like to send your child in to school with a hat that would be greatly appreciated. We are also happy to apply sun lotion to children throughout the day if they require it. If you would like us to do this for your child please could you bring a named bottle of sun lotion in to school. There is a little form to fill out that we can give you. Obviously, if the weather gets too hot we will be staying inside at peak times to ensure children are kept sheltered.

Reception team

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Bake off!

Hello everyone,

Today children will have come home with a letter about a bake off event we will be having at school on Monday 16th May. It is an optional event that will be jointly done with Pre-school to raise money for charity. Over the weekend 14th/15th May you can make a cake, cupcake, tray-bake etc. and bring it into school on the Monday. there will then be a cake sale outside the school at 3.30pm! We encourage as much child participation as possible and look forward to seeing, smelling and tasting the lovely things you bring in!

Reception team

Monday, 2 May 2016

What's happening this week...

Hi all,

This week we are going to be wrapping up our dinosaur topic. We'll continue to work on rhyming words together to make poems. In maths this week the focus will be on time. We'll be getting to know the days of the week and months of the year in order as well as using lots of time related words; later, earlier, before, after, morning, evening etc. We will be having a go at recognising an o' clock time and making our own clocks to show various key times during the day. 
We have also begun introducing children to the idea of 'Coding' in ICT lessons. We will continue to build upon this in school using websites that allow you to write your own code to tell something what to do!
We'll be having another joint session with year 1 - this time completing a writing task. As well as this, on Friday it will be the class photos being taken. These will be available for you to buy - a letter will come home. Please could we ask that all children have a jumper/cardigan in school on Friday. Thank you!

Reception team