Hello everyone,
This week we have been looking at poetry and more specifically at rhyming words, strings and phrases. For some home learning this week I have put some unfinished rhymes below. You could write the missing words into the phrase or come up with a list of possible words it could be. We have been encouraging the use of 'real' words.
- Dinosaur, dinosaur stomped around, dinosaur, dinosaur shook the.....
- Some were big and some were small. Some were fat and some were.....
- Five hungry dinosaurs, wading through a swamp. The first one said.....
- Once there was a dinosaur, and all he did was....
- Allosaurus, stegosaurus, brontosaurus too, all went out to the....
- Five enormous dinosaurs, letting out a roar, one went away and then there were....
Good luck!
Reception team