Tuesday 18 November 2014

Sound being covered this week

Hello everyone,

This week we are really getting into the gritty sounds. By this I mean they all begin to look fairly similar but make different sounds! There will be lots of repetition happening to give children the best chance to practice. Any help from home is greatly appreciated in this respect. Doing the actions and asking children to say the sounds, pointing out the sounds within different words, writing the sounds with fridge magnets and using sound pots are some ways that will give children more experience with the sounds. 

This weeks sounds are:

long 'oo' - as in boot - Move head back and forth as if it is the cuckoo in a cuckoo clock - this action serves as the action for the short 'oo' sound as well. 
'ar' - as in park - Open mouth wide as if at the dentist and say ah.
'or' - as in fork - Put hands on head as if ears on a donkey and say eeyore, eeyore - this is the same action as 'ee'
Short 'oo' sound  - as in good - same action as above. 

Just a quick reminder that it is reception's trip to Thorncombe Woods on Thursday. Currently the weather doesn't look too bad but we will endeavour to keep you updated. 

Reception team


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