Sunday 14 September 2014

This week...

Hello everyone,

A big well done to all the reception children for doing their first full week of school this week! Next week we will be focusing upon the question; what are the different parts of our bodies called. To help with this we will be putting together bits of bodies and inviting children to draw round each other and talk about what body parts are where. As well as  this we will be looking at body percussion and what sounds different parts of our body can make. We will look at Bobby McFerrin and some of the music he has produced based on body percussion. 

To help begin this I have a small challenge for you to try. 

Can you think of 7 different body parts? 

Please feel free to bring your answers in on a Wow! Moment. Add a drawing of the different body parts if you want to. 

We will also be starting our maths and literacy jobs this week. The children will work in a small group to complete both a maths and literacy job. The literacy this week will focus on how to hold a pencil effectively and then form some of the sounds we have covered. The maths will focus on orally counting up to 20 as well as putting some items in height or length order. 

A quick reminder that tomorrow morning is reception's parent information session so after drop-off please feel free to head into the hall and take a seat. 

Reception team

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