Thursday 13 March 2014

A Numerical Problem

Hello all,

All the children have now had a go at creating their own dinosaur story, and the imagination they have shown has been fantastic - they are currently pinned up on the glass windows inside the classroom if you want to have a read.. Next week we will begin to turn the children's ideas into written stories, so keep an eye out for those too. We have another week of dinosaurs next week and we will be turning the upstairs area into a dinosaur park - we will continue thinking about what we will need and get children to have a go at making as much as possible.


On the maths teddy job table this week we have had the Numicon out and some children have been interested in different ways of making the same number. So with that in mind, ask your children how many different ways you can make 10, using different numbers. For example: 9+1=10 5+5=10. Whilst we have not begun using the + or = sign, we have done some work on number formation so see if your child can have a go at writing the numbers down. Can you use any more than 2 numbers? 

We've got our trip to Pizza Express tomorrow - thank you to all those who have already volunteered to help. The plan is to bring the pizzas back to school and eat half  of it at school and send the rest home. 

Finally, thank you for everyone for the continued support with the Wow! Moments you keep bringing in. It is lovely to hear all the things that the children have been up to with you, so please keep bringing them in. 

Reception team

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